We believe that violence against women is a human rights violation, hindering a woman’s ability to enjoy basic freedoms and contribute fully to society.
Violence against women is an intentional act of violence that manifests itself through physical, emotional, financial, psychological, sexual, isolation, cyber harassment and other forms of violence used to intimidate women, resulting in coerced power and control. Violence against women is rooted of gender inequality.
According to the World Health Organization, 1 in every 3 women worldwide experience violence over the course of their life. This experience is disproportionately higher for Black women, Indigenous women, women of colour, women with disabilities, non-binary people, trans women, newcomer women and women living in poverty.

The Women’s Empowerment Program
The Women’s Empowerment Program helps women improve the quality of their lives, respecting self-determination and fostering independence.
Nós podemos ajudar. É confidencial e gratuito.
Tudunk segíteni. Bizalmas és ingyenes.
我哋可以幫手 佢係機密同免費嘅。
Call us at 416-532-4828 or email info@westnh.org.
We are providing services and counselling virtually, by phone and in person on a case-by-case basis. For more information on accessing legal services, visit Steps to Justice.
Essential Information
What we do:
The Women’s Empowerment Program provides:
- Individual supportive counselling for women and children, including victims of domestic violence
- Crisis intervention
- Safety planning
- Support groups
- Transitional plan and goal setting
- Translation, interpretation, accompaniment to assist women in accessing resources such as housing, income supports, employment, training, childcare, legal information, etc.
Who is eligible:
Open to self-identified women over 18 years of age impacted by Intimate Partner Violence.
This program does not have geographical boundaries. We are currently operating virtually.
Our phone line is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
To reach us:
Call us at 416-532-4828 or email info@westnh.org to join us or ask any questions.
Vous avez le droit de recevoir les services français!
Vous êtes une femme victim de violence et cherchez des services en français?
Nous pouvons vous aiguiller vers nos partenaires francophones Oasis Centre de Femmes: 416-591-6565
Maison d’hébergement pour femmes francophones – La Maison: 647-777-6433
Des services sont gratuits et confedentiels. Vous y recevrez des services comme: du counselling, du soutien, de l’écoute, de d’hébergement, l’accompagnement, des activités de groupe et plus encore.
Vous pouvez aussi appeler 24 h/7 la ligne de soutien Fem’aide au 1-877Fem-aide (1-866-336-2433) ATS 1-866-860-7083
La Maison d’hebergement pour femmes francophones (The Shelter for Francophone women)
*Gender Based Violence Service
Oasis Centre de Femmes (Oasis Women’s Centre)
1-877-336-2433 (Crisis line – Monday – Sunday 24 hours)
416-591-6565 (Office)
*Gender Based Violence Service
Centre Francophone du Grand Toronto (Francophone Center of Greater Toronto)
*multi-service agency